Friday, October 19, 2012

Do the ends justify the means?

"Why not say--
'Let us do evil that good may result.'"
Romans 3:8 (New International Version)
Do the ends justify the means? Is it okay to lie for a good reason? If we see the wrong thing happening, isn't it okay to step in and "make it right", no matter what we have to do?
Situational ethics are nothing new to the human race.  They may be a favorite topic today in leadership and ministry conferences or games designed to get people talking, but it's not because they are new. It is because they reflect an important aspect of human nature: our power of choice.
God created us in his image (Genesis 1:26), with the power to choose good or evil (Genesis 2:16,17). But what happens when the lines between good and evil appear really blurry?  What happens when good people lie and manipulate other people?  What happens when godless people are duped or tricked by those who name the name of God?
These are complicated issues and the answers are not easy.  These are the issues we will be discussing in the Ocheltree Shepherding Group on Sunday morning as we study Genesis 27, in which the godly brother, Jacob, tricks his ungodly brother, Esau, out of the blessing that God promised to Jacob in the first place but their godly father, Isaac, was trying to give to Esau anyway.  Confused? Good! Come to class and get even more confused, and then sort through some difficult issues together with us! 
And stay for the potluck afterwards! If possible, bring venison or goat.
--Posted by Mama O.

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