Saturday, March 15, 2014

Dallas Buyers Club

The captain of my book club, Amanda Whitten, posted these words on Facebook:

The Oscars were incredible (except the part where I got really upset about the Best Director award). This is the 6th year I have challenged myself to watch all the nominated films .. Even if they sound boring or weird. I cannot tell you how highly I recommend doing that. This year, I added all the short film categories and the full length documentaries. Next to travel, nothing expands your world view like the arts. So grateful for the films I was exposed to this year.

It sounded like a great idea to me, so I am taking the challenge.

This week, we have used our DirecTV "Oscar Nominated" category to watch "Nebraska", "Dallas Buyers Club" and "American Hustle". 

Amanda is right. I am seeing the world through a variety of "lenses".

There is a scene in "Dallas Buyers Club" where Ron Woodruff (Matthew McConaughey) and his business partner, Rayon (Jared Leto), are grocery shopping. Both men have contracted a deadly disease and are in business together to provide medication and supplements to others suffering from the same illness. If these treatments are to be effective, the patients must do everything they can to keep their bodies healthy. They must avoid food additives and artificial ingredients which can affect the body's immune system.

In this particular scene, Rayon throws a package of lunch meat into the grocery cart. Ron Woodruff pulls it right back out and hands it to his business partner.

"It's protein," Rayon protests, "it's good for us!"

"It's processed!" Ron Woodruff responds, "Put it back!"

Made me think about Christians. We are all suffering from a deadly spiritual disease, called sin. Each of us is doomed to perish eternally without the proper medication and supplements (the blood of Christ). But, in order for those treatments to have the greatest effect they can right now, we need to avoid things that drag down our immune system. We must avoid things that lack God's love, grace, mercy, forgiveness and holiness. There are conversations that we must walk away from. There are attitudes we cannot endorse or embrace. These are things that may be seen as "good for us" by the world. But, a Christian needs to learn what are truly the best activities to engage in.

I'll just ask one diagnostic question here: Are our lives so busy with "good" activities that we have little or no time to develop a holy relationship with God: one in which we have time to reflect on God's Word and listen for God's specific communication in our personal lives?

"So be careful how you live. Don't live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Don't act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do." Ephesians 5:15-17 (New Living Translation)

--Posted by Mama O.

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