Monday, December 23, 2013

An Economy of Abundance

Our preacher, Dr. Jason Locke, preached a wonderful Christmas sermon yesterday. It was about Christ, but not about His birth. Rather, it was about His feeding of the 5,000. (Mark 7:35-44) Interspersed, as his message was, with traditional Christmas carols and newer worship choruses, it truly allowed us to feast upon Christ's message of salvation, abundant and free, for all who seek it.

Dr. J showed us that Jesus was introducing God's economic policy on that occasion, not the economic policies of conservative or liberal political thinkers.  This was a contrast between man's economy based on human doubt and skepticism (the disciples looked at the crowds and suggested they disperse to nearby villages and farms to find enough food to eat) and God's economy of abundance (Jesus told the disciples, "you feed them"). The disciples observed, in true human economic form, that the demand exceeded the supply. Jesus, in true divine economic form, created enough supply to exceed the demand (by 12 baskets)!

Man's view of economics says: "You must be cautious, there isn't enough for all that!"  God's view of economics says, "God can always provide more!"

Man's view of economics says that supplies must come from what we can see, what already exists. The woman at the well could only conceive of water that was drawn from a bucket at the well. (John 4) The steward at the wedding in Cana could only imagine that the best wine had been hidden somewhere until the end of the wedding feast. (John 2:1-12) These human beings could not conceive of water or wine coming from a source outside of the "seen" world!

Dr. J reminded us that, every Sunday, when we take communion, we are being reminded that "God always has more!"

What a powerful reminder at this season of giving! Embrace generosity! Cast aside fear and doubt and skepticism! Believe in a God who "always has more!"

Thank you, Dr. J!

--Posted by Mama O.

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