Youth minister Aaron Scott reads Crystal Alonzo's "Barak" or blessing |
Crystal Alonzo gets a hug from youth minister Aaron Scott |
High school Class of 2014 from College Church of Christ (clockwise from front): Branden Mack, Jamison Norby, Cheyenne Blackwell, Cheyenne Corona, Sam Amezcua, Andrew Ocheltree, Crystal Alonzo, Marquois Ellis, Jericho Locke, Dustin Swain, Aaron Scott (youth minister) Not pictured: Akayla Varnel and Viviana Hinojosa |
We had the privilege of participating in blessing our graduating high school seniors at church yesterday. We started in the morning, when our elders surrounded seniors and their parents/guardians/significant adults and laid hands on them and prayed over them. Then, in the evening, we had a "Barak" or blessing celebration, in which our youth minister read a special blessing over each graduate. The blessings were prepared by parents or other significant adults in the students' lives. We had the privilege of preparing the blessing for our son, Andrew (yesterday's blog) and our friend, Crystal Alonzo. Cystal's older sister, Christina, became our son, Paul's friend in the Bullard High School Marching Band during Paul's freshman year in high school (Paul is just finishing his sophomore year in college). Christina started coming to College Church of Christ, then brought two of her sisters, Crystal and Cece, with her. Crystal was baptized at College Church in 2010. Here is her "Barak" or blessing:
Lex Henderson, Crystal Alonzo and Steve Ocheltree in April, 2010 at College Church or Christ |
Back Row: Katie Kirkley, Mary Tarkenton, Linda Sue, Carolyn Ocheltree, Front Row: Dawn Frame, Crystal Alonzo, Paige Kirkley, Lauren Gale April 2010, College Church of Christ
Crystal, you have a way of bringing beauty to the
environment! Your pretty face and sweet smile bring a smile to others’ faces.
Your ability to imagine and create beautiful things brings beauty to your
I remember the fall when you and I created “snow-covered”
pine cones to hang on the Christmas tree. You worked and worked at making those
beautiful, sparkling cones dipped in glitter. I love watching your face when we
go shopping at JoAnn Fabrics. I can see the wheels turning in your creative
brain as we pass rows of felt, feathers, glue, glitter, paint and paper! Your
enthusiasm bubbles over as you see worlds of beauty to create!
What fun we had when we painted all those silly signs and
backdrops for the church Talent Show one spring! And decorating Easter cookies…
I am so happy that you and Andrew are walking together at
graduation! You have enjoyed friendship and family events together and now you
get to celebrate a huge accomplishment together—graduating high school!
I work with women who have to work very hard to graduate
high school after many years of making bad choices, abusing drugs and alcohol.
They are so proud when they earn their high school diplomas! It is a major accomplishment and one you can
be very proud of!
We are so happy to be privileged to share your growing-up
years with you! Thanks for being part of our lives!
“Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and
right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent
and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned. Then the God
of peace will be with you.” Philippians
God bless you, Crystal,
Steve and Carolyn Ocheltree
--Posted by Mama O.
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