Travis Herb shared some immensely practical ideas a few months ago during an offering message. He suggested a number of ways for saving $5 a week to free up funds for sharing with God's work as it happens through our church. He suggested we inspect our telephone and television charges, seeing if we are really using everything we are paying for.
That was all the impetus I needed. I had already been asking, ever since Kyle and Judy Mason cancelled their land line, why we still needed a home phone with its service charges, when all our business was conducted by cell phone. That week, I cancelled our home phone service and signed up for a bundle that included faster wireless service, DirecTV and a family cell phone plan, plus a few promotional freebies thrown in there for good measure.
And then, I made a personal commitment (this is just me, not my whole family) to give $5 a week to our church. Ever since then, I have been writing out a monthly check for $20 and putting it in the offering plate once a month. This is not my only contribution, this is the one that comes from following Travis' suggestion.
I wanted to thank Travis for his great, practical ideas. I thought of sending him a bouquet of flowers, but realized that could be perceived as quite impractical in light of his suggestion (not that there's anything wrong with flowers!). So, instead, I sent him a $5 bill and asked him to put my first weekly contribution into the offering plate, as a way of "sharing the wealth"!
Now this is just one of so many stories that could be told of saving $5 a week, personally. Skipping one Starbuck's stop per week. Packing a lunch instead of buying lunch once a week. Walking or riding your bike to the store instead of driving. Discerning between needs and wants. Renting a movie instead of going to the movies in person.
We are a family at College church of Christ, and we love each other. Sometimes, that means we sacrifice a personal pleasure or comfort so that everyone can benefit. Instead of viewing it as a burden, how about "re-purposing" that weekly sacrifice and making it into a game--seeing how many ways you can save $5 and how God still provides for all your needs!
This Sunday, November 18, 2012, we will be taking up a special offering to close our year-end budget gap for 2012 of $46,000. Steve told me this morning that, if 120 people give $400 apiece on Sunday, it will close that hole. Then, going into 2013, we need that same number of people (doesn't have to be the SAME people) to give an extra $6 a week (maybe that's one and a half trips to Starbuck's) on a regular basis to keep our lights on, our heat and air conditioner running, our sound system sounding (you get the idea, the ordinary stuff it takes to run a church household).
Thanks for starting me thinking and acting, Travis! Join me, let's swap stories. It will be fun!
--Posted by Mama O.
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