"A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children..."
Proverbs 13:22 (New International Version)
"From the fruit of his lips a man is filled with good things
as surely as the work of his hands rewards him."
Proverbs 12:14 (New International Version)
I stand amazed at the treasure that Bob Burrell was to this world!
I listened to his son-in-law, David Shabaglian, describe the
legacy this good man left to him, as the father of Bob's
grandchildren: a legacy of uncomplaining joy in the Lord's
provision, of unconditional love for people made in God's
image, of uncompromising support for family and friends,
of unwavering faith in a God who loves the whole world,
of unspeakable wonder at who God is. David had the privilege
of reading Bob's favorite Scripture passages out loud to
him and of playing his favorite worship music off of
You Tube as Bob left this world and entered into Jesus' presence.
Bob's service on Monday was filled with testimony after testimony
of Bob's cheerful, uncomplaining spirit, of his encouraging words,
his humor, his gentleness, his kindness and, yes, his ability to
"dress to the nines". Seldom does the world have the privilege
of watching a man whose impeccable sense of fashion and style
on the outside is actually superseded by his inner sense of beauty
and love. Robert M. Burrell was one of those "few good men."
I am thankful he was my friend. My goal: to honor his memory
by imitating his goodness! Join me! I guarantee the world will be
a better place for it!
--Posted by Mama O.
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