Saturday, September 22, 2012

Jesus also did many other things...

"Jesus also did many other things.
If they were all written down, I suppose the
whole world couold not contain the books
that would be written."
John 21:25 (New Living Translation)
Do you ever wonder what all those "many other things" were?  Jesus' best friend here on earth, the Apostle John, considered this important enough to make it the very last thing he said about Jesus in his gospel.  The Holy Spirit inspired the gospel writers to "play the highlights" from Jesus' ministry, to give us enough information to know who Jesus is and who he is not.  But, there is no way they could write about everything Jesus did.
Do you ever think about those "many other things" in light of your life today?
How many of those "many other things" am I receiving from Jesus on a day-to-day basis, that, if they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written?"
I experienced just one of those "many other things" yesterday while I was doing research at the library.  One of the librarians came across the perfect piece, but it had been displaced from its source. I asked her about its source and she did not have it.  Then, she opened a binder filled with historical documents and there was the magazine from whence this article had come!
"It's a miracle," the librarian said.
She was right.  It was a miracle. 
"I prayed before I came here today," I said.  "Your'e right, it is a miracle! God helped us find the source."
It might be an interesting assignment to journal just three of those "many other things" that happen this coming week. It could increase my awareness of Jesus' work in my life!
--Posted by Mama O.

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